Indie Game: The Movie: The Trailer
Indie Game: The Movie has been in the making for a good while now and all the bits we’ve seen so far have been fairly interesting. The filmmakers are into the final stretch of post-production now and to rally the hounds of publicity they’ve released an official trailer, which I should warn you contains footage of some intense-looking young men in thick-rimmed glasses.
The production team has also fired up a Kickstarter campaign, with a goal of $35,000 to fund the finishing touches and they've already raised a boatload on their first day.
With interviewees like Team Meat and Jonathan Blow, it should offer an interesting glance at the indie life. At the very least it will fill a hole until somebody makes a sufficiently hilarious docu-drama about the development of Duke Nukem Forever, with the requisite amount of historical inaccuracy and improbable sex scenes. Something like The Tudors.