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Intel Level Up 2010 Game Demo Challenge

The Intel Troll (pictured) dropped us a line to announce their new Level Up competition, and it's looking fairly shiny. There's a couple of tiers to the competition, with pros/hobbyists and students judged separately. The lowdown is that the grand prize for professional/hobbyist level entries is an all-expense paid trip to the Tokyo Game Show. The prize for the student-level competition is a pass to GDC San Francisco 2011, as well as marketing support for their game from Intel and "a marketing firm". There are also "Best Game For Desktop, Laptop, and Netbook" categories, each with their own $5000-plus-big-fat-PC prizes, and more for "judges choice" awards. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff, basically. So that's probably worth looking into if you're in the game-making business. Details on how to get in on it below.

Intel say that the competition works like this:

Developers submit their game demo CONCEPTS (a few sentences and a visual if they have one) to us from now until June 21. Anyone can register more than one. Intel then reviews the submissions and selects finalists, who are then asked to turn their concepts into a fleshy frankenbeast. They will be alerted by July 11. Final code is due by August 31. Final judging takes place September, winners announced in October.

So if you've got an idea, and the will to execute it, then the website is here.

Intel say they've got a bunch of high-profile judges to take a look at the finalists, and while we can't announce them here, there are some names that you lot will be very familiar with. It's good stuff.

Level Up is always an entertaining and productive competition, so it's great to see it returning for a fourth year. Last year's stuff can be found here, if you fancy a look at the kind of thing people entered.

And good luck, I suppose.

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