Interactive Moving Images: Stay Dead
Imagine playing a game with a friend next to you on the couch perched on the arm of your office chair and saying to that friend: "You thought this was a movie, didn't you, but it's actually a fighting game with 150 different techniques distributed in 5 stages." Of course, you'd only say that if you weren't a person at all but were, instead, the press release for BRUCEfilm's Stay Dead. "Forget about the old interactive movies from the 80's" you'd go on to say, "Stay Dead is a fast action arcade game with total freedom of action, combined with a cinematographic direction." Perhaps you'd add that it's out now and then re-enact the utterly brilliant trailer. Watch.
Pay attention, there's a quiz to follow.
1) Has the actor with a speaking part:
A) secured the script in his lap having never seen it before.
B) been shot in the leg.
C) messed his trousers mid-sentence.
2) Which developer's logo does BRUCEfilm's remind you of?
A) Lucasarts.
B) Lucasarts.
C) Lucasarts.
3) Does one of the enemies go FWAAARRRGGHHH?
A) Definitely.
B) It's more of a DWAAAARRRGH.
4) Is there just one sound effect for punches?
A) I counted two.
B) I think it's half a sound effect.
C) Yes. And a bonus one for being hit with a stick.
I only have the answer to question two. It's B, Lucasarts.
I haven't played it but it looks to be a sort of rhythm action beat 'em up, with actual footage of people pretending to beat each other up as a reward for the correct inputs.
You can buy Stay Dead now or you can just watch the trailer again and chortle to yourself.