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Iron Fisticle Drops


Iron Fisticle - just out on Steam - is simultaneously the best and worst game name I've seen in a long while. It makes me wince and grin at the same time. The game itself describes itself as somewhere between Gauntlet and Robotron, which sounds like a very arcadey place to be. It looks like it too, as you can see in the launch trailer, below.

With an emphasis on frantic action, it looks like a museum of 80s arcade games came to life and had a gamejam.

A twin-stick shooter, the graphics seem to be aiming for the Amiga era, something very Bitmap Brothers about them. The dungeons are randomly generated, and there's much upgrading and item collecting to be done. But keeping to the retro stylings, co-op is local only, which makes sense for the era being emulated, but remains a shame. Chip tunes come from Andy Lemon, and you can even switch scan lines on for faux-authenticity.

The game's currently discounted to £5.40 on Steam - hopefully we'll take a closer look at it soon.

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