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Iron Warriors: Yours For Shrapnel

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Three ways to ensure your tank game vanishes without trace in Western Europe and the US: Set it during the Yugoslav wars of the early Nineties. Fill it with Russian driveables. Give it a silly title. T-72: Balkans On Fire (later renamed Iron Warriors) sold like stale buns west of Beograd when it launched in 2005. A bit of a shame that, because it's actually a rather solid armour sim. It's certainly worth the paltry £1.49 Steam are currently asking.

For the price of a posh loaf of bread or a controlling interest in an Icelandic bank you get three steely steeds - the T-72, the T-55 and the T-34 85 - spacious deformable battlefields, plus decent ballistics, AI, and damage modelling. What you don't get is 3D interiors, intuitive key assignments, or the chance to crush Zastavas full of ethnic cleansers, but at this price who cares. Sim bargain of the year so far!

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