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It's: The Quite Important RPS Survey 2012!

UPDATE: That's enough responses, thanks! Survey finished.

Hello there. Once a year (although not last year, for some reason) we must ask you to help us with knowing stuff about who reads RPS. Hence, the quite important survey. This vital data is fed into the vast computer which controls the internet and the monster is thus soothed, stopping it from rising up in a frenzy of electronic tentacles and destroying the Earth for another year. Also, it helps with our hard-working gentleman being able to secure advertising and therefore keep operating the site! For both these incredible reasons it is quite important that you fill out the survey here, please. It's so important that I am asking you do it immediately, no matter how important whatever else you might be doing on the internet actually is. Doing so will also secure our love. And that's what's really important about PC gaming, isn't it?

I thought so.

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