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Jet Car Stunts Is A Video Game About Jet Car Stunts

Jet Car Stunts

I do enjoy a good self-descriptive name. We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It certainly did, Roman Road indeed was, and Girls Aloud were delightfully so (imagine my disappointment in Drunken Robot Pornography). Today I find myself pleased by not only by the clear self-descriptive nature of Jet Car Stunts' name but also the fact that it describes a jet car doing stunts. The game flew onto Steam on Thursday at £7.99.

A remake of a 2009 iOS game, Jet Car Stunts sees jet cars pulling stunts on abstract courses littered with TrackMania-ish twists, jumps, loops, and hoops. These tracks are, for whatever reason, high above the Earth. I'm okay with that. The jet cars are racing rather than free-form tricking, which is sort of a shame, but I suppose drivers could always ignore the leaderboards to prat about.

I also enjoy a good air brake, and gosh, these jet cars certainly have some. Have a look in this trailer but only this trailer, not this trailer which tries to show how the game's about mastering jet cars and their stunts but chooses to do so by aping angry sweary YouTube personalities and makes me hope I never see a jet car ever again so long as I live and that is a very sorry state of existence let me tell you.

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