Just A Minute, Man: Watchmen Coin-Op
The general consensus seems to be that the upcoming Watchmen game is an affront to God's own eyes, but someone in the comicky-book movie adaptation's marketing department apparently has a slightly better understanding of the source material. There's now an browser-based, 8-bit-esque coin-op arcade machine starring the Minutemen, the Silver Age team who preceded Rorschach, Ozymandias et al, over yonder.
It's straight Streets of Rage stuff, naive and simple in a very deliberate way - a product of the Watchmen world's public perception of the Minutemen and their colourful derring-do, rather than the darker, fetishistic reality of these early adventurers. While the main Watchmen game seems to be shooting for dark and super-serious, despite also being about kicking droves of gangsters in the face, this is silly and chintzy - exactly what you'd expect of a mass-made Veidt Industries product, which this is of course branded as. It's a bit nob and it's ridiculously easy, but it's an oddly charming artefact from a make-believe world.