Just Cause 2 Ignoro Gallery, Just 'Cause
Hey, look behind you
I've been replaying Just Cause 2 in my spare time of late. I remember my absolutely loving it, and then finding the ludicrous fun was spoiled by the difficulty ramping up far too far, and the game getting in the way of itself. So thinking it would be fun to muck around with it some more, this time I set things to Casual and began blowing everything up. I also figure that by this point there's bound to be a trainer out there that can prevent the heat levels from going over 3. But I'm not here to write you an article yet. Not yet. For now I just want to share some of the snaps I've taken on my island holiday. Because sometimes it's important to just look at pretty pictures of a two year old game in which the character is ignoring things going on in the background.
This is what's great about owning your own website. Especially when all your colleagues are away. No one can stop you posting this at lunch time. Click on the images to see them full size, if you feel the need.