So Let's Take Our Mind Off Things With Just Cause 3
Prodigal son
It's... a funny old day. Big stuff, big response, not entirely sure how to feel about it all, no clue what happens next. Personally, I'm going to try and take my mind off it. This first glimpse at the don't worry about a thing mayhem of Just Cause 3 [official site] is probably an OK way to do that, for a few seconds at least.
I don't think this is in-game footage (though the above and below screenshots are), but it's a pretty neat trailer. In a time when the latest Prodigy single sounds uncomfortably like Chris Morris satirising what people think Prodigy singles sound like, I'm on board with this almost country and western cover of Firestarter too, despite a certain ennui with action game adverts using maudlin music:
Just Cause 3, developed by a returning Avalanche and published by Square Enix, is due out in the tail-end of this year.