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Justice At Last!

I love Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney games so much. SO much. But despite some embarrassing efforts, I obviously can't write about the DS adventure series here. But surely there should be an exception! Surely there are some DS-only Japanese lawyer-em-ups that transcend the boundaries of platforms, and should be discussed on every gaming site, hell, every site on the internet? Have I mentioned that I LOVE Phoenix Wright games?

So it was with a confused heart that I met last year's news that the next game in the series would not feature Nick at all, but a new cast including lead character Apollo Justice. Oh, how can you stay mad with that name? And now, I've recently heard rumours from People On The Inside that Ace Attorney 4 is better than any of the three Wright games. OHMYGOD!

How do I justify this? Well, a demo for Apollo Justice has been released... on PC! A Flash incarnation of the beginning of the game can be found, well, further down this page as it happens.

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