Ken Levine Hearts The PC
Blessim. As part of Kotaku's 'PC gaming week' (so does that make it okay for them to largely ignore the PC for the other 51 weeks of the year?), BioShock/System Shock 2/SWAT 4-brain Ken Levine has penned an impassioned paean to the humble IBM compatible. The source of the greatest developers, the undying home of innovation, the bright, ever-changing future of videogames: that sort of thing. "Magic can happen when there are no middle men, no marketers, and no naysayers," quoth he. He's absolutely right, y'know.
Plus he name-checks this cool PC gaming site you might have heard of, which is very sweet of him. And means he might be reading this. Hmm. Hi Ken! Please make sure Infinite's PC version is the best version!