Kinaesthetically Teasing: Myriad
There are many details about Myriad in an excellent post over at, written by designer Erlend Grefsrud. While describing the workings of his extraordinarily attractive kinaesthetic system-space, Grefsrud has this to say:
You are free, space is malleable, no boundaries constrain you: Make the world, then break the world.
It's worth reading everything else in the post as well because, while there will be questions remaining, you'll at least have some context in which to place the wonderful video below.
From what I can gather, the player is the agent of creation, change and destruction, shooting and navigating, while also deviating from the expected results that those actions bring about. The video shows (I think) enemies exploding to become worlds, which then unleash new enemies, pushing the boundaries of colour and creation away from the centre.
It reminds me of Pixeljunk Eden, but more expressive and unrestrained. I want to play it. I want to play with it.
These thoughts are also relevant, containing swarming letter-forms such as this:
Where I’m from, all spiders shit crooked. But some of the spiders have the sense to, when someone points out they shat crooked, to cock their anterior tagma and mandible-morse-clack that the web isn’t crooked, it is an exploration of the crooked.
We should probably be paying more attention. Myriad will be at the Eurogamer Expo, so perhaps that is the place to sample it properly, for the first time.