Kingdom Two Crowns starts cooperative lording in December
When two tribes go to war
Slimline side-scrolling strategy series Kingdom will continue with couch co-op in Kingdom Two Crowns on December 11th, publishers Raw Fury have announced. I've quite enjoyed the Kingdom games but always bailed when it got frustrating towards the end, so it might be nice to have a pal by my side spurring me on. Two Crowns will also jaunt off to a second land, a kingdom influenced by feudal Japan, and that's looking pretty fancy in the new trailer.
The plain ol' fantasy land is still in the game, mind. Each land will offer "its own unique set of NPCs, strategies, and mystery", or so I'm told. More environments are due to follow after launch, all playing differently.
The basics are still the same, I'd imagine. Kingdom is a side-scrolling strategy game where we control a monarch trotting about on our horse/unicorn/stag, dispensing orders purely by throwing the universal currency of coins. Build fortifications, train units, gather resources, upgrade buildings, tech up... all this is directed by where we spend our coins. The game's split into days where we can explore, hunt, gather, and so on, then nights where monsters come to attack us. It's a nice simple cycle on a nice simple system. But, as I said, did become frustrating; I've never finished either game. Maybe with a chum in local multiplayer.
Kingdom Two Crowns is coming via Steam on December 11th.