KotOR 2 Restored Content In Open Beta
As spotted by a keen-eyed Eurogamer forumite, the KotOR 2 Restored Content Project has gone into open beta. You're just a 15MB download away. Details below.
When Knights of the Old Republic 2 first appeared it was troublingly apparent that Obsidian had been forced to rush their sequel to the BioWare classic. The ending arrived in a garbled rush, and it was soon realised that entire chunks of the game had had to be left out. That it remained a truly fine game was testament to Obsidian's excellent work. Then some people noticed that the discs the game came on contained references to sections that didn't appear. They realised there was a chunk of unfinished game in their hands, and set about restoring it.
There's two main projects - the unfinished but workable Gizka Restoration Project, and now the TSL_Restored_Content_mod which can now be explored. Created by Zbyl2 and DarthStoney, it's been years in the making, and now ready for us to check out.
I've not got KotOR2 installed at the moment, but that will soon be corrected. If you do, let us know how you get on with this mod.