LASER! LASER! : Genetos
One of the pleasures of the new decade was seeing Stuart Campbell embracing the last decade and starting blogging. One of his first posts is about Genetos, a SHMUUUUPPPPP! which recapitulates the development of its genre. As in, start at Space Invaders, pass through Space Invaders with some spangles and end up with Space Invaders with a lot of spangles and the sort of fanboy who worries about how you spell SHMUUUUPPPPP! Anyway - while new to me, it's been about for a while - as the video beneath the cut's "2007" posting date shows - but the 2009 copyright on the actual code implies a relatively new build. So if you already know it, go play it again. If you haven't, go play it not again. Clever, aggressive and even educational.