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Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop Liiiives

I don't know about you, but Nick in Left 4 Dead 2 just wasn't bearded enough for me, the apocalypse certainly didn't have enough disarmingly dressed schoolgirls, and why can't I make my melee weapons pink? These are all concerns that have now been answered with the opening of the Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop, Valve's integrated mod platform that makes adding picky little tweaks and full campaigns the easiest thing in the world. I'd say you could do it blindfolded, but I tried and put my fingers in my Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

There are thousands of Left 4 Dead 2 mods and campaigns scattered across the internet, so it's good to have an easy way to get at them. It was always such a fiddly game to work with. But now, if I want, say, a full survival campaign set in a large valley in the north-western Ered Nimrais, I can just click on the Helm's Deep Reborn mod and wait for it to drop onto my PC. It looks like a lot of fun.

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This NPC mod attempts to make the NPC companions a lot smarter. Ooh, and this adds health bars for all the other players to your screen. Sigh. I'll be here for hours...

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