Legendary: Out Of The Box
Legendary (which has, thank goodness, dropped its ludicrous suffix, "The Box"), has put out a release date (Oct 1st), and announced itself ready for pre-order. There's a new trailer, with some developer comments throughout, down below.
I really want to look forward to Legendary (even more so now that it's not called "Legendary: The Box"), but I feel somewhat hampered by having played the developer's previous game, Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty. It wasn't just a generic shooter - it was dreadful. But the ideas behind Legendary sound fun - Pandora's Box is opened, and this series of vast, destructive beasts are unleashed, and reluctant antihero and art thief, Charles Deckard, finds himself having to fight it all. What to think?!
I say: forgive and assume the best. Because I would rather a world where the game with the giant golems and rabid werewolves, with griffens soaring in the sky while vast mythological beasts known down skyscrapers, be excellent.