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Look At Those Tentacles: Blush Is Live

Flashbang Studio's latest, Blush, is live. You can play it right here on Blurst. In fact, you should. We first told you about Blush back in January, along with a tasty interview, and showed the early test footage. Ping! It's finished already, putting FBS well on track for their six games in twelve months plan. Blush is, as you'd guess from the title, a squid-based game, in which you battle other undersea creatures and steal their parts.

Developed in under eight weeks, the three hour delay after the 2pm EST release plan saw FBS entertain the internets with their office webcam, the announcement of a potential name change to NetFlash BangDevil Actiblizzardisoft, and hints at a game involving cranes, maybe, in the future.

Whiplash the ugly sucker.

First impressions: the game has that FBS sublime tone, beautiful music, relaxed motion, and exploratory play. The water effects when other creatures are destroyed are quite lovely, and I've always been an enormous fan of any game involving swishing. You collect fishybits, take them back to your cave, and increase your speed and size. It becomes very clear, very quickly, that as with all FBS games, there's much more strategy than may first appear. Getting the high scores in the four minute time is going to be about finding out which fish to fight, and which bonuses to aim for.

We'll write more details on it after we've had a proper play.

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