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Lovecats: Mew-Genics First Footage Shows Rutting Moggies

Tabitha Twitchit does Dallas

Mew-Genics, the cat-breeding-based follow-up to Super Meat Boy, has been in development for almost a year and half - that's almost a decade in cat years. Too long, too long! We'll all be crawling under the nearest chest-of-drawers to die soon. At least we finally have some in-game footage to look at, even if it does take the form of an animated GIF. But given cats and GIFs are the bedrock of the internet, it is only appropriate.

Warning: cartoon cats shagging below. No feline winkies on show, though.

That may seem like nothing more than a saucy animation, but in fact it's demonstrating quite a few of the game's mechanics. The behaviour and appearance of the parents, the sexual potency of the father, the resulting kittens and whether their attributes denote 'beauty' or not...

All this, and what is says about this burgeoning feline family unit, is explained by Edmund McMillen over on the Team Meat blog. How those kittens behave and change over time is a big part of the game. It sounds a little like a twisted take on Creatures.

Really looking forward to this one, though I'm faintly worried that it's going to be so perverse as to make me uncomfortable around my own pet cat.

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