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LucasArts games on iPhone

Is this PC-related? Yeah, I reckon so. It's about PC games, and about a piece of hardware that works with the PC. I'm sure someone will be kind enough to inform me in unbiased, restrained terms should they disagree, however.

Anyway, despite being a hopeless gadget junkie, I've resisted an iPhone. Frankly, If I had a viable form of the internet wherever I went, what precious little social aptitude I have would disappear completely. But a touch-screen phone with which I can pretend Sam & Max Hit The Road is still as funny as I thought it was ten years ago? Ooh.

And yes, I know I could already do this on a horrible Windows Mobile Smartphone, but those are, as I say, horrible. A DS with a flashcart, on the other hand... Ye Olde Pointe'n'clicke Emulatore ScummVM is a wonderful piece of software, and I'm cheered whenever I hear it's been ported to yet another new platform. I hope that, one day, all-purpose DOS emulator DOSBox will make similar headway, as I want to play Fury of the Furries on the back of my digital camera.

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