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machina eX: Live Action Point And Clicking

Live action roleplay so rarely takes the form of point and click adventures. Yes! A gross oversight! And one taken care of by a German group called machina eX.

This is remarkable stuff. They're not just mucking around here - it's a combination of adventure gaming and live theatre, in which players interactive not only with actors, but also all the objects found in the room, in order to solve puzzles. There's a great deal of footage of this below.

What's so interesting to me is that the players aren't the protagonist. Just like in a point-and-click, you're an active observer, puppeteering the main character, investigating all the objects in the scene, and working out how to manipulate them to allow progress. Have a watch. (While it's all in German, it's pretty easy to follow.)

Big thanks to Konrad from Strictly Showreels for the tip.

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