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Conspiracies Galore: Episodic RPG Majestic Nights

FACT: the 'Moon' doesn't even exist

Conspiracy theories are fanfic for reality, aren't they? That particular sort which knows how stories should really have gone. They pack history with exciting twists and turns, jazzing up origin stories with alien intervention, adding excitement and danger to even aeroplane vapour trails, splashing in sexy murders all over the place, and revealing that beloved characters are actually lizard people.

They are all, of course, entirely true. Majestic Nights knows this too. It's a period RPG set during the '80s, with two playable characters tangled up in the deepest, darkest conspiracies. Though I suspect it'll 'conveniently' leave out the lizard people.

Majestic Nights is being made by Epiphany Games, the folks behind fantasy RTS Frozen Hearth. It's got two main characters, an intelligence operative involved in so many conspiracies and a PI who doesn't fully understand what they've been part of. Epiphany say:

With fast, light mechanics, the game has been developed to engross players in a shadowy world of conspiracy with an over-the-top 1980s aesthetic. Players will use wits, stealth and sometimes even a little force to investigate, explore, and acquire ever more clues for their big string-covered wall of conspiracies.

(Aside: one of my favourite X-Files episodes is Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, where the shadowy character is revealed as the killer of JFK, the murderer of Martin Luther King Jr., a fixer of sports, and as generally tied up in every major conspiracy. Except it's framed as someone telling stories of the Smoking Man based on stories TSM himself wrote as an idealised version of his life in his failed dreams of becoming an author, so who even knows what's true?)

Majestic Nights will be released in six episodes starting towards the end of this year, preceded by a free "Chapter Zero." They'll be standalone but obviously work better together, and there'll be a season pass. It's coming to Windows, Mac, Linux, and tablets. Trailer!

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