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Me, Myself And The Dark Eye: Memoria

I spent some time with the pointy, clicky people of Daedalic at Gamescom, watching walkthroughs of the next Deponia and the intriguing turn-based RPG Blackguards. Memoria wasn't on display and I hadn't realised, until I watched the launch trailer handily concealed below, that it's set in The Dark Eye universe, which is where the Blackguards live. I'll have more to say about the crime-infested RPG in the near future, but now is the time for extremely earnest fantasy adventures. Sample line - "And next, we'll make you a fairy again".

Watch on YouTube

Hmm. The screenshots are like postcards from places I'd quite like to visit but somewhere between the princess and the shadows from the past, my attention fell down the Chasm of Generic Gubbins. Perhaps the website will reveal some morsel of interest:

Memoria tells the tale of princess Sadja of the faraway-land of Fasar, who once ventured into war to fight demons in the Gorian Desert. Her goal – to become the greatest hero of all time – was foiled under mysterious circumstances.

That's certainly a lofty goal. How does somebody discover that aspiration? Part way through the morning's first cup of tea, a thought arises deep in the mind - "I should probably become the greatest hero of all time. Yes. Tomorrow."

I still need to play The Night of the Rabbit. That's probably the one for me.

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