Mechs For A Good Time: Matador Trailer
Sometimes a game comes along that looks like a dark future robot rag to the Rock, Paper, Shotgun bull. Today that's Matador: an isometric shooter in which you pick a mech, a driver, your weapons and defences, and then rumble around a city with the intention of killing everything that lives there.
Almost for the art style alone, it reminds me of Syndicate. Trailer below.
Nice fonts.
By the sounds of it, you're not going to be spending a great deal of time driving around in cars or taking cover in Matador. It's purely on the ultraviolence-in-an-isometric-city-at-night side of Syndicate. I'm OK with that. The website describes the challenges as being "semi-randomized", which I'd guess means pre-built levels but you're never quite sure how many trucks you'll need to stomp on in the next district. The site also notes that, "There is no xp. There are no saves. When you die, start over and try, try again." Which in the current climate of game journalism, means that it's definitely a roguelike, and exactly like Rogue in every possible way. Cool.
The game's creators are blogging and streaming regularly about the game's development over here.