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Medal Of HonoUr: Beta Footage

Would you like to see some Medal Of Honour footage? I bet you would. I know what you're like - you pretend you don't want to, and then you're all peeking around the corner, trying to take a look, hoping no one else is noticing. Well, we notice, and look, it's fine. So you can see a bunch of videos, from the multiplayer beta, below. Don't worry about it.

There's the Rifleman. For those not sure, this is a man who has a rifle. Eventually it may become a last name that his great grandchildren will forget the origin of, but for now it is abundantly clear.

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There's the Sniper. So called because of his propensity for making a cutting remark that really gets to someone. In the middle of their forehead.

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And here's the Spec Ops footage. Spec Op is short for Spectacles Opportunities. A title given to those who are able to spot those with eye defects and provide them with suitable eyewear. And then shoot them in the head. A fun game - try to spot the difference between this video and Simon Rifleman's above.

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