Neuromancer's William Gibson On MEG 9: Lost Echoes
Bio-mechanical nasties
You know how sometimes you find yourself thinking "I wonder what William Gibson, author of Neuromancer is doing right now?" I think about that a lot. I like Gibson, with a kind of territorial hometown pride that can only be felt by a fellow Canadian who will adopt all Vancouverite celebrities as unofficial family; so when someone on Twitter pointed out to me that he's been hired to help a little games studio called Skunkwerks Kinetic, I feel like I should tell you with the pride of a sort of beaming pretend half-cousin.
Anyway, it turns out that he's been quietly working on the setting for a game called MEG 9: Lost Echoes [official site], which just hit Steam Greenlight.
The game takes place largely within a dimensional tear discovered by your employer, a multinational corporation called Quantum Multiphasics who I can probably rightly assume are secretly mega evil. Remotely piloting an upgradeable rig, your role is to explore a high-tech complex that's mysteriously gone dark and is now infested with these weird bio-mechanical bug things. You also basically get a robot dog.
Skunkwerks Kinetic plan to launch MEG 9 into Steam Early Access later this year. It's still early days, but have a look: