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Mercenaries 2: Macho Explodo

Dudes explode, stuff gets kicked, or something. Mercenaries 2 is going all out for this year's Most Macho Explosion Awards - even if it is a lady carrying the bazooka in this instance - and it demonstrates a level of violence that causes us to make cooing noises under our breath. In fact Kieron came back from a recent hands-on talking about how he was going start drinking protein shakes and wearing a mohawk so that people would take him seriously.

Beyond the jump we see three trailers: rocket-propelled-grenadiering (with some mild car-violencing), jeep theft and... swimming. Can't get enough of that swimming, eh Olympians? The sandbox shooter with co-op splendidness is due out on 31st August. Strong!

It's got RPG elements! Haha!

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And vehicular elements:

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And Earth, Wind and Fire elements:

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