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Mercenaries 2 Patch... Trailer?

Occasionally, an idea's bizarre enough to not require for me to pun badly in the title line. This is one of those times. For the forthcoming Total Payback patch EA have released a short and actually very funny trailer (though I wonder how the self-deprecating admission of rubbishness of certain features will play with the more aggrieved gamer). It's only confirmed for the 360 and PS3, with a EA PR doing a "Planned Only For 360/PS3 at the moment" non-quote. Since 9 times out of 10 that means "Yes", I'm going to save beating the drum to summon forth the angry internet men. We'll do that in a month. Until then, the trailer's beneath the cut...

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I still really like Mercenaries 2, and I don't care who knows it. Except my gran, who was killed by a Mercenary, and would disown me if she suspected.

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