Metroid Rage: Operation Smash
Operation Smash is clearly the name of a computer game. It's hard to imagine the words on the cover of a Regency novel and while it's entirely feasible that Pacific Rim was originally pitched under that very title, I'm pleased that our chosen medium has claimed these most suitable of words as its own. Unfortunately, Operation Smash looks far more nuanced, varied and complex than the title suggests. It isn't a first-person man-smasher with a wide array of fully customisable hammers. For shame. Instead, Steve Olofsson's creation is a Metroid-like side-scroller with fluid combat and movement. Available now on Desura for £4.79, it looks fantastic, as you can see below.
Shades of Cave Story, varied and exciting weapons, and more wall jumping than seen at Peter Parkour's Prodigious Parkour Perennial. If I didn't have all of the strategy games clamouring for my attention, I'd be installing this right now.