Midweek Indie Games Purchasitudeosity
The reverend of reductions, the bishop of budget, the primarch of (er) primark-esque prices, LewieP notes that Steam are doing another Indie Midweek thing which will be gone by the Bargain bucket at the weekend. Altitude, Bob Came in Pieces, Bullet Candy, Galcon Fusion, Gridrunner Revolution, Space Giraffe and Super Laser Racer are available for two quid a pop. You can buy all seven for a tenner, saving four quid. John loved Bob. I dig the hell out of Galcon Fusion, Gridrunner Revolution, Space Giraffe and Super Laser Racer. A tenner for those five alone is frankly ridiculous value. The other two could be great too - I just haven't played 'em. Go buy, before they realise they're being mental.