Monday Synapse Overload
Monday afternoon almost gone and your brain isn't quite up to speed? Emergency measures must be prescribed. The Doctor insists you imbibe a hyperbright modern Shmup to restore vigour. Ah - just what the Doctor ordered...
Uppity Developer Comments-thread chap Schizoslayer lobbed me Exception last week, but I hadn't had a chance to play it until now - as a good thing to do when avoiding transcribing an interview like I ought to be. It's a physics-heavy cross between Robotron, Asteroids, Boulderdash and R-type. Neat elements include enemies being constructed of individual bricks, so if you take off an section, the rest continues - so, for example, if you can blow off a thruster off a brick-ship, it spins out of control. The second included level, where the Boulderdash stuff really comes into play, features some surprisingly cute bits where you're using large enemy ships as cover as you descend.
It's not particularly stressful, except on your eyeballs, which is exactly what you need. Worth a shot, or several thousand and some dastardly bricks.