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Mr Whippy: Whiplash And Burn

Okay, this bumps into the same conflict of interest as last time - i.e. I'm currently working for Littleloud and Marvel Comics - but I'm going to power right on through because this is incredibly stupid and amused me terribly. It's another Unity-powered Webgame based on the new Iron Man film. It's somewhat simpler than the last rail-shooter, being based around that scene-from-the-trailer where Whiplash stands in the middle of a racetrack and whips cars in two with big electric-lash-things. It involved tapping right or left in tip to smash up the speeding car and, until you get the knack, does create the somewhat hilarious image of this teched-up dude standing in the road desperately waving his arms around while cars speed past. Being called Whiplash And Burn, it's also got the sort of title which I give posts to create groans. Next up: Rum, Sodomy And the Whiplash, yes?

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