Multiwinia: Rocket Riot
Goodness, what a lot of tech problems we're having with the site today. We're hopefully on the road to recovery now, but it does mean my intended ramblomatic post about ancient horror RPG The Legacy: Realm of Terror will have to wait until tomorrow.
Instead, for today's last snack you'll find the latest video for Introversion's upcoming slice of indie loveliness Multiwinia beneath the cut. This series of trailers takes a charming stylistic approach, hearkening back somewhat to the original Portal video, but with more polite British children talking about launch countdowns. The space race concept for this newly-revealed mode sounds loads of fun, while the actual game footage looks beautifully explodey as ever. Makes me even sadder that the preview code I was supposed to be receiving ages back never arrived. Hopefully this cheeky little number will be in all our hands soon, however.
Oh, and geeks may be interested to hear that this is the first ever RPS post written in Google Chrome. I'm sure you can really see the difference. Probably the first of many, though. 'snice. Apart from the rubbish bookmark management stuff.