Murder Most Discounted: Blue Toad Murder Files Free-Ish
Relentless seem to have dropped the 'Blue Toad' bit from their Murder Files game, in fact, which is probably the right choice, at least presuming their intended audience wasn't people looking for soft porn starring amphibians. Whatever its name, Relentless' comic noir, slightly Professor Laytony puzzler has gone pay what you want for the rest of the month, and that includes the option of paying no-pennies.
I've never delved into the Christie-spoofing Murder Files myself, but a cursory investigation suggests it's seen mixed reviews. If only games could simply be either Good or Bad, eh? Having opinions would be so much easier.
Given some complaints centred on the fact that the game (originally episodic) apparently cost too much for its brief duration, PWYW may make it easier to stomach. Other gripes have concerned its pacing and irritation factor (some of which is on show in the innuendo-drenched trailer below), which'll be harder to get around, but I'm certainly impressed to hear that just the one actor voiced all twenty-odd characters, including a dog.
So yes, pay what you want until Dec 31st. You can choose to pay nowt, but be aware that 20% of all net receipts will go to charity GamesAid.