Mythos Finally Debuts In Europe
And not for everyone, either, as it's a closed beta, which you can sign up to here. The beta itself will kick off on February 8th.
The saga of Mythos is quite the thing. It was a promising hack 'n' slash MMO back when it was announced in 2007 (I think?) and was anticipated for release in 2008, I think we even got a beta sign ups back then... Anyway, it was being developed by the largely ex-Blizzard studio Flagship who were also working on Hellgate. When Hellgate went down like a lead balloon it took Flagship - and therefore Mythos - with it. It has taken new owners, Korean company HanbitSoft, until quite recently to get the game to market in Asia abd the US, and only now into Europe, where Frogster are handling it. Are we still pleased to see it? Well, I suppose so. Better late than never, eh?