Name That Tune
I'm reviewing Thrillville: Off The Rails for the lovely PC Gamer UK at the moment. Should you wish to know whether this theme park management jobbie's worth the price of admission, you'll have to read their next issue, for I am sworn (or at least politely asked) to silence until then. However, I stumbled across this happy surprise in one of its many crazed mini-games:
Yes, yes, enough about the terrifying giant robot kitten head - d'you recognise the music? If not, the answer lurks in the following invisi-text: It's Monkey Island, you uneducated dolt. Now get out of my sight.
Oh, how it sings to my haggard soul. You can keep your bloody Still Alive. The reason for its shock appearance (completely at odds with the rest of the game's soundtrack, which includes Lilly Allen, Avril Lavigne, Blur and a lot of pounding trance music) is that the game's published by Lucasarts. Whether it's a knowing nod to gaming heritage or was just lying around unclaimed in the Lucasian archives, I don't know. Anyone from Lucasarts or developer Frontier reading this who can illuminate us? And that reminds me - we should probably do a shamelessly Digg-friendly 'Best Game Theme Tunes Ever!' feature at some point...