Neon Cornwall: Leave Home
Good morning, Internet. This morning I wish to drag before your giant unblinking eye of judgment the game Leave Home. According to its creator, Matt James, it is "an algorithmic dynamic difficulty horizontal shooter / coming of age story", and what this means is that although it features waves of enemies and a few environmental traps, just like any other shooter, they're not the same waves each time you play. The game responds to your abilities, and so it changes to become harder or easier, depending on your awesomeness. That's a peculiar property for any game, and I can't actually think of any instances of it working particularly well. Fortunately Leave Home is extremely pretty and demands to be replayed, and you will find the changes challenging in a good way. Whether it's worth $5 though? Well, for a few of you it will be. You should probably try the demo, or check out the trailer below.