Will It Fly: New Crimson Skies Nigh?
Kickstarter is feeling like this quote from Blues Brothers. No, not the God part. The "we're putting the band back together" bit. Jordan Weismen has already managed to set-up a triumphant stadium gig for Shadowrun, and he's told ShackNews that if it's a success it'll have a major impact on the potential for the return of the sky-pirate alternate history flight thing, Crimson Skies.
I don't want to bite off more than we can chew right now. First comes Shadowrun, and we want to make that great, and then we'll figure out where to go after that.
I am making a hopeful face. (What kind of face is that?)
There really isn't enough barnstorming in modern games, in my rather unhumble opinion. I had a lot of hair-parting fun with the original, even while the ever-present wingman "technical issues" kept it from soaring as high as it could have. But the camp setting, big world and OTT physics were a nice counter-point to Microsoft's other flight series. You know the one.
That still looks fun. I lost my disc. :(