New Relic RTS To Be Revealed In August
So, yes. According to THQ bossman Danny Bilson a new Relic RTS will be announced in August 2011. But what could it be? Carefully placing my speculation coronet on my head, I am able to say that it will probably be a new Company Of Heroes game. The Company Of Heroes Online project seems to have sputtered out, so the devs from that will have to use their expertise somewhere else. We're unlikely to get a "new" Dawn Of War game (there's got to be at least one more expansion for 2 in the pipeline) and as far as I understand it the Homeworld franchise is entombed somewhere deep in the bowls of ActiBlizzard. THQ does own Homeworld after all. So CoH it probably is.
Unless - gasp! - it's something that is actually new. Could it really be possible? Maybe they will do an Epic scale 40K RTS. That might be fun/impossible. Any thoughts, internet?