Nival Explain They Are "Anti-SOPA"
Nival, the publisher and developers behind the Blitkrieg series and King's Bounty: Legions, have got in touch with us this evening to let us know that they are "anti-SOPA" - the bill currently going through the US Congress that could irreparably harm the internet. They have given us a statement explaining their position, which is below.
"Nival does not support SOPA, despite a deep understanding of the struggle against piracy in the games industry. Unfortunately, SOPA could do more harm to Internet freedom than good to fight piracy. We recognize the issues our partners in the online press have with this legislation. We will continue to be anti-piracy but are also anti-SOPA."
Clearly many developers and indie publishers are also against SOPA, but we are specifically tracking those who are members of the ESA, because the representative organisation has said it is in favour of the bill. We, and others, are asking the companies represented to explain their individual positions.