No Dedicated Servers for MW2?
Hmm! Over at BashAndSlash, a Call Of Duty community website, Infinity Ward's community manager, Robert Bowling, confirmed there would be no dedicated server option for excruciatingly-anticipated super-shooter Modern Warfare 2. Really? Apparently so: dedicated servers will be replaced with a match-making service called IWNet. This will place you against players of your own rank, and remove dedicated server lists. There will also be options for a private matches. Take it with a pinch of salt, however, because the fact that it's the community manager making an announcement two hours into a fan-podcast suggests there's going to be some clarifying statements to follow. Bowling makes clear he's not totally clear on the tech aspects, but he does seem certain that everything will run through IWNet, in conjunction with Steam. That seems to imply no mod support.
On the upside, the game isn't delayed on PC after all. Ooh, what's that noise?