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No IFs? But!

You may notice that today has had a certain Obscurity-heavy vibe. And, if that pun-heavy title hasn't informed you, that's not going to change with this post. I suspect we're trying to pick up the slack as Simon Carless of Game Set Watch goes to guest edit Kotaku for a week, leaving Karsden Mörderhäschen from Schadenfreude Interactive to guest edit Game Set Watch. We expect this trend to sweep across the blogosphere, and predict that Bill Dubious Quality will take a sabatical week to be with Rock Band, allowing Leigh SexyVideogameLand to cheerily disturb his readers with things she's thought about a lot involving SpaceOrifices or something. Oh - and she'll leave her net home in the hands of the sorely-missed Only Serious Student of Videogaming, Francesco Poli, returning from wherever he is to tell people about his favourite mildly right-wing sex fantasies.

Where was I? Oh yeah:

This year's IF prize has been announced.. While voting was tight away from the top spot, the run-away winner was Lost Pig by Admiral Jota. We hope he's sitting down and singing about Gold Medals tonight. All the entries are still available to download, obv.

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