Nomenclature Wars: My Country, My Name
I love it when I look at a trailer for a game and I both want to play it and have no idea what's going on. My Country, My Name is from Brazilian indie team, Vortex, and looks like it may well be something of a satire of war. Two friends, Johann and Yohahn, escape from a conflict and form their own country on an abandoned oil rig, seeking refuge from the hostilities. But then almost immediately fall out over choosing the name. And so to the fighting. It will offer 2 to 8 player games, groups of mercenaries hired by the two warring parties to take out the other side for control of their rusty metallic homestead. Have a watch of the trailer and see what you think.
Here's the teaser that explains the plot:
And here's some in-game footage:
I think it looks rather lovely. You can see some really interesting info on how the game's being made, along with lovely details on character animation, on the development blog.