Not The Next Call Of Duty: KillDeathYeah
KillFunYeah, three words made one, the first of which makes me a bit nervous, the second of which I'm all for and the third I imagine being said with a slight shrug in between sips of coffee. As a name, it's not the sort I'd want to yell out loud, that is until developers Arctic Anteater add at least two exclamation marks on the end. KillFunYeah!!!!! sounds like a blast. As it stands, the relatively unexcited KillFunYeah is a 2D arena-based shooter with destructible blocks, guns, grenades and saxophones. Jazzocide is the new Jazzercise. It's in alpha and currently available for free on Windows, Mac and Linux. Observe the below trailer and tutorial, the latter demonstrating the attract and deflect powers that are KFY's USP.
It looks like fun and I'm sure it would have been when I played a few minutes ago if I hadn't been all alone. I ended up watching my little chap's face as he huffed and puffed on a saxophone and then threw grenades and chased them in a strange and athletic attempt to end myself.
On a server crammed with people to burst open, all the ingredients are in place for a delicious deathmatch delicacy and as development continues, KillFunYeah!!!!!!!!! could gather a following. Try it while it's free.
Here's that tutorial.
Spotted at the handsome, so hopefully some people from there will trot online as well. Before I go, it would be remiss not to mention how dapper the Arctic Anteater is looking in that logo. Commendable.