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Notorious Mental: Serious Sam 3 Still Going

Someone posting in a Duke Nukem thread recently asked "what are Croteam doing now?" Well the answer, according to a recent update on the studio's website, is that they are still developing Serious Sam 3, and that we should expect a publishing deal soon. The other title they had been working on is not facing such a rosy future, however. Roman Ribaric reports: "Regarding military game we were working for some time, that development was halted some time ago by investors and publishers. We were doing a 'work-for-hire' development there, so after the game was put on hold, there was nothing more to do there and we moved back to our projects. Obviously, the above also means that our next title won't be published by Gamecock, as contrary to last year's published press release by Gamecock." We'll keep an eye on the Croteam site for further developments.

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