Occasionally, certain corners of the internet and media defiantly make their case for pro-graming being included as an Olympic sport. I call those people narrow-minded in the extreme - of course gaming should be part of the greatest sports show on Earth, but restricting it to that tiny, scary niche would be a terrible mistake. There are far more important aspects of gaming that deserve their own Olympic classes. Here are just a few, and I hope you'll suggest some more.
MOBA 3-Lane Pro-griefing
Desert Bus 1600 Mile Endurance
Day Z Installation Time Trials
The Diablo III Real Money Auction House Go For Broke Challenge
YouTube Comments Godwin's Law Speed Trial
Cross-Country Playing Ubisoft Games On Public Transport
Fattest Man Squeezed Into A Replica HEV Suit Weigh-Offs
The Minecraft 5 Minute Giant Phallus Construction Sprint
Boiling Point Flying Jaguar 800 Metre Pursuit
Generic FPS Naming Slalom (Current record holder: Medal of Honor Warfighter)
Pretentiousness Gymnastics (Independent Entrants Only)
Still Moaning About Bioshock After Five Years Dressage
Synchronised Retweets From Notch, CliffyB and Tim Schafer
Out Of Context Quote / Speculative Headline / Spuriously Finding Cause To Avoid Linking To Rival Site Triathlon (Media-only event)
Half-Life 3 Rumour-Mongering
1000 Comment RPS Pun Thread Relay
Hey, that guy who's going to post 'slow news day, eh?' You win Gold in the Stupid Git Marathon.