One For Me, Thanks - Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory
Chinese IGF winner, Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory is having a commercial release. From S. Korean indie team Turtle Cream, it's a 2D platformer starring a cube of sugar, fighting against his fate. But, and I'll never get tired of typing this, with yet another awesome twist idea. Here each screen exists in two versions, constructed from a grid of tiles that are flipped in blocks of four when the cube walks past them. So as you walk along a platform, you may replace it with empty space, deadly spikes, or key elements to completing the screen. It's a brain-hurtingly interesting idea, and it looks utterly lovely, as you'll see below.
There are five worlds, 90 levels, and a couple of endings, and, well, words can't do it justice, so watch:
It's out on Desura, Indiecity, Indievania and Kawagames, or directly via their own site, on the 25th Feb, for a teeny $5. The team behind it also wish to make it clear that it's "SUPER CUTE". That appears to be true.