Square Enix JRPG Oninaki has a daemon-infested demo out now
Squenix goes ghostbusting
Kagachi understands the freelance life. It's tough stuff, I know: trading out jobs, pushing yourself to breaking point. Allowing haunted fiends from beyond the grave to possess you and change your career goals. Don't believe me? You can put in an hour-and-a-half right now.
Oninaki is the latest game from Square Enix's Tokyo RPG Factory - the bit of Squeenix that makes more of those old-style home-grown JRPGs like I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear. This time, the team's taking a more action-first approach.
Leading lad Kagachi is a tour guide for ghosts with a daemon problem. Each one of the hellish rascals lands him a new job (class) and ability suite, turning the boy into the ultimate freelancer. You'll be flipping through them to build up power before casting them off like so little dirty laundry, turning the game into a balancing act between classes.
A new demo, dropping today on Steam, covers the opening 90 minutes with all progress made carrying over to the full game. You can also jump right into the game's Battle Mode, dropping a geared up character into tougher fights to check out daemons, weapons and abilities from later in the game.
Oninaki is due to launch on August 22nd, priced at £40/€50/$50.
I'll not blabber any longer though. Alice L and Matthew had a bash at the demo earlier this week, and you can check out their impressions below.