OnLive Silly Sale: Arkham 2, Saints 3 For £1
Cloud gaming service OnLive is banging its drum for new members in the UK again, so they're reactivated their remarkable £1 offer (which they're surely making a massive loss on - they must have ton of marketing money stored up). Your first purchase after joining currently costs just 100 pennies, and that includes the likes of Batman: Arkham City, Saints Row 3, LA Noire, Lord of the Rings: War In The North and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. All PC versions, but tweaked for OnLive - which in Arkham's case means no GFWL. Woo! OnLive has its issues, but I really rather like it - I've played quite a lot through it now, and while the experience differs from game to game for a lot of titles on a decent ISP the experience is pretty incredible. Especially if you have the microconsole thingy and are sat back on a sofa - with your face stuffed directly into a monitor the cracks are that much more visible.
Oh, and if you already have an OnLive UK account, that doesn't stop you from creating a new one purely to nab a game for £1. Repeatedly, in fact - you just need a different email address every time. Snicker.